Saturday, June 18, 2016


I love a good story.

A novel.
A movie.
A tv show.
Even another person sharing what they did last week.
Like most people, a good story hooks me and draws me in.

I live a pretty simple life. Work each day at a job I love, occasional extra-curriculars in the evenings, weekends of chores/errands/time with family. I try to travel as much as possible, to "live life" the best I can on a limited income. I don't have a significant-other or a ton of friends begging for my time. I live alone. And I can't get enough of a good story.

And lately, I've been wondering if my addition to a good story is reflective of my own life being a dull story.

I'm pretty picky about the stories in which I invest myself. The biggest rule is //nothing sad//. No sad endings, no tragedy, no bio-pics about the holocaust, genocide, etc. No war or crime-fighting. Nothing that puts humor to a series of unfortunate events, nothing about disease or loss or depression or anything SAD. And definitely no romance that does not end with the couple together.

The books/movies/netflix I devour in my spare time are full of life and love and laughter, adventure and experience, beauty and bravery, overcoming obstacles (and alliteration?)...everything I feel my life is not.

And so I wonder if I am turning to these sources of "entertainment" to fill a void in my life. A void of living a good story.

//Story// is a buzzword these days. It's a hip, trendy term used alongside words like //fulfillment// and //purpose//, Even in the church phrases like //living a better story// are on par with //being a committed follower of Jesus//.

But I guess my confusion lies in this: even though I strive to live my life in a way I believe to be pleasing to God, pusuing the life of a disciple, I find that the lives of the adventurers and lovers and overcomers in the stories are more appealing to me. I don't think this is a yearning rooted in my sinful nature - that I'm missing out because I've chosen to follow Jesus. I just feel like maybe I'm not living up to my full potential. Like my story is supposed to be more interesting.

Maybe I'm just bored.
Or maybe I'm struggling with contentment.
But I think the desire for adventure and love (giving and receiving) is ingrained in us as humans, as God's prized creation. We are made in his image and are a reflection of his character - which is full of love and joy and boldness, and never fear. Which makes me think that if I'm not experiencing those things, that perhaps I'm missing something.

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